PETA Prime

Opening Hearts, Opening Minds: A Must-See Film

For those of us on a spiritual path—or for anyone wanting to make the world a better place—the new film ‘A Prayer for Compassion’, premiering on March 5 in New York City, is a must-see. At its heart is the question “Can compassion grow to include all beings?”

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Language Matters: Tackling Speciesism in Everyday Speech

If you looked at social media or the news in December, you may have heard about PETA’s list of idioms that aims to replace common phrases in the English language that perpetuate violence toward animals. But to what extent could changing an age-old idiom actually improve an animal’s life? Does the bull really care if you metaphorically “take him by the horns,” as opposed to “taking a flower by the thorns”?

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Join This Summit and Help Your Plant-Powered Dog

Want to do something wonderful for the dog in your life?
Register now for the FREE online Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit, March 12–19, 2019, and discover how you can help improve your dog’s health and quality of life through healthy vegan food.

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