PETA Prime

Flying Spot With Your Luggage Can Be Deadly

Plane crashes are relatively rare, but even on an uneventful flight, cargo holds pose a deadly danger to animals. And if there is an emergency and your animal companions are locked away with the luggage, your chances of saving them are close to zero. As every seasoned traveler knows, checked baggage is no place for anything important, fragile or irreplaceable. Our animal companions are all of that–and much more.

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Cheers! Kirin, Sapporo, Other Beer Giants Halt Animal Tests

Who would have ever imagined that beer was tested on animals? Surely beer companies would have no trouble finding human volunteers willing to down a few brews in the name of science! But that didn’t stop Japanese beer giants Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo, and Suntory from funding experiments on animals.

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