Bob Barker is the former host of the television game show The Price Is Right, a longtime vegetarian (more than 30 years!), a philanthropist, and an animal rights advocate. He definitely knows what price people pay for eating meat and what benefits you’ll get by living a meat–free, compassionate lifestyle for your health, animals, and the planet! Want more food for thought?
Watch the video below:
Eliminating meat from your diet can help improve your health, keep your mind clear, and boost energy. Choosing meat–free meals can even help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and ease the effects of aging.
“Studies show that the more meat you eat, the greater your risk is of developing Alzheimer’s disease,” Bob shared.
It’s never too early (or late) to make a kind, smart choice and give up meat to keep your wits about you for years to come and spare animals unnecessary suffering! It’s never been easier to give up meat—there are meat-free options in grocery stores and restaurants across the country. PETA also has hundreds of free, delicious meat–free recipes to try!
Join Bob today and pledge to be meat–free to improve your health and help animals!