PETA Honors Two Organizations That Are Changing the Game for Animals

The first recognition went to an organization that deserves a resounding hoot and a delighted chirp from the many animals whose lives it has saved. WildCare, a cherished Bay Area wildlife rehabilitation organization, received a Hero to Animals Award from PETA for being a friend to animals who are injured, trapped, or otherwise in need. PETA receives calls about animal emergencies 24/7, and our Emergency Response Team often works with WildCare to rescue and provide wildlife in the Bay Area with medical care. WildCare also runs educational programs for all ages, advocates for animals, and has volunteer opportunities for the local community.

Many animals sleep better at night, thanks to the second and final awardee of the afternoon, Airbnb. Following discussions with PETA, the online marketplace reformed the “Animals on Airbnb Experiences” arm of its business to exclude any event that involves direct contact with wild animals or those in which animals are ridden or handled by the public—such as elephant rides, “swim with dolphins” excursions, and tiger-cub petting. And that’s not all! Airbnb also offered PETA a generous matching grant of $100,000 to support our work to combat speciesism and eliminate the abuse of animals kept in captivity for human entertainment. We were proud to present Airbnb with our Compassionate Business Award.

Any afternoon spent with PETA members and supporters is a delight, and this event was an inspiring reminder that with the help of our passionate supporters, we’re building a brighter future for all animals.