‘Animalkind’: Show Kindness to Animals Imprisoned on Farms

This is the final installment in our four-part series giving a sneak peek inside the new paperback edition of Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries About Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion. Follow the links to read parts one, two, and three.

Animalkind by PETA President Ingrid Newkirk and bestselling Forks Over Knives author Gene Stone is now available in paperback. If you haven’t read it yet, order a copy today to learn fascinating facts about animals and important ways to help them.

In “Section II: Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion,” you’ll find a brief history of the animal protection movement and learn about the many ways to live and eat compassionately, instead of supporting factory farms that raise and kill billions of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and other animals.

These animals are made of flesh, bone, and blood, just as humans are. They feel pain and joy, form strong family ties, and have impressive cognitive abilities, and some have even saved lives.

Animalkind readers are invited to join “a revolution in human behavior that one day will be the norm,” in which we all reject the confinement and slaughter of animals and go vegan. As the book makes clear, going vegan is the “single greatest step you can take to end animal suffering.”

Thanks to modern advances in food production, it’s easier than ever to go vegan! You can still enjoy delicious animal-free adaptations of nearly all the foods you grew up eating, from mac and cheese and ice cream cakes to hamburgers and hotdogs. Animalkind discusses a few of the countless meat substitutes, dairy-free milks and yogurts, and vegan cheeses on the market, as well as the wonderful companies offering vegan meal kits and home delivery services, making compassionate eating even more convenient!

To learn how you can make a difference for animals used for food—and for a wealth of fascinating insights about animals’ empathy, awareness, and intelligence—be sure to check out Animalkind, and spread the word by sharing it with a friend or neighbor!

Order Animalkind in Paperback Today


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