Angela ‘Felicia’ Means Says ‘Bye’ to Animal Flesh

In an exclusive PETA interview, animal rights activist, star of Friday, and popular restaurateur Angela Means bares all to show the benefits of being vegan—and may we say, “Daaamn!”

There’s no denying that her 50-year-old gorgeous self reveals what vegan living can do for our bodies. One look at her should be enough to persuade even the most stubborn omnivore to say, “Bye, flesh.”

Our visit with Angela wasn’t all in the nude, however. She let us know that her favorite new PETA apparel is our social justice T-shirt, which unequivocally states that there’s no place for speciesism, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, or sexism.

Now retired from comedy and acting, Angela spreads compassion full-time by personally running Jackfruit Cafe, an all-vegan soul food spot in Los Angeles. She finds it fulfilling to bring these healthy options back to her community.

“Jackfruit Cafe was born in a little doughnut shop in the ‘hood,” Angela tells PETA. “My home comedy club was there, so when I was able to come and help a black community, that’s the one that I went back to.”

Black Americans are disproportionately affected by obesity, more likely to have diabetes than white people, and nearly twice as likely as whites to die early from heart disease or strokes. All these ailments have been linked to eating animals. In light of this, it’s no surprise that African Americans are the fastest-growing vegan population stateside.

Angela said that she’s always excited when folks come into her shop and realize that vegan food isn’t only great for their body and soul but also just straight-up great tasting!

“Our jackfruit is the best—and you think you’re eating meat. They look at me like, ‘This is meat,’” she said before laughing.

Angela’s advice to those who aren’t sure how to go vegan? “Stop eating meat!”

You can save nearly 200 sensitive animals a year simply by leaving them off your plate, and PETA can send you a FREE vegan starter kit today.