An Open Letter to Veterinarians: An Opportunity for Change

In my previous post we looked at the Veterinarian’s Oath, in which veterinarians solemnly swear to act for “the protection of animal health and welfare” and “the prevention and relief of animal suffering.” I pointed out that by taking this oath, veterinarians swear to protect all animals from suffering and harm—not just companion animals but also the approximately 70 billion individuals who are abused and slaughtered each year by the animal agriculture industry.

Then I asked the logical question: If you have sworn to protect all animals, why aren’t you vegan?

Today, I am offering veterinarians the opportunity to make good on that oath.

In my 10-plus years as a canine nutritionist with a master’s degree in animal science, I have had the opportunity to work with clients around the world. When I became vegan several years ago, I transformed my business to formulate only plant-based diets for dogs, a decision that I made after conducting a great deal of scientific research. Since that time, I have worked with many vegan clients who want to provide their canine companions with optimum nutrition that is also compassionate toward all sentient beings. However, these clients are afraid even to discuss feeding a plant-based diet with their veterinarians for fear of disapproval and even ridicule.

That can change. There is a real opportunity for veterinarians to take the lead here. You can guide your clients toward healthy, balanced companion-animal nutrition that respects the lives of all animal species, including those not lucky enough to have been born companion animals.

In 2019, I created the Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit, the first and only online summit dedicated exclusively to plant-based canine nutrition. This summit took almost a year to produce and involved sending videographers around the world to interview the leading vegan veterinarians and animal rights activists. These leaders participated in the summit for the purpose of promoting education on plant-based canine nutrition from both an ethical and a health perspective and to provide first-hand insight into the animal welfare atrocities that occur within the animal agriculture industry.

I would like to partner with you to help make our world a better place for everyone. If you are a veterinarian who is open to learning more about plant-based companion animal nutrition, I have a gift for you—free lifetime access to the Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit. This includes more than 12 hours of science-based and illuminating video interviews as well as audio downloads and written transcripts from these leading vegan veterinarians and activists.

I promise you that it will be an eye-opening experience. All you have to do is contact me, and I will grant you access.

According to PETA, the average vegan saves the lives of nearly 200 animals each year. By going vegan and recommending plant-based options to your clients, you can save tens of thousands of animals. Imagine how gratifying that would be.

The planet is on the cusp of a new era, and we all must decide which way we want to go.

As a society, we must ask ourselves, “Do we want to continue down the dark path of animal abuse and environmental devastation, or do we want to move toward an enlightened world that nourishes everyone with harm to no one?”

This question is especially relevant to you, a veterinarian.

You don’t need to compromise the health and welfare of your companion animal patients in order to uphold your Veterinarian’s Oath to protect all animals from suffering and harm.

The truth is, as Sting said, that “nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could.”

So, I ask again: Why arent you vegan?

Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, M.S., is an award-winning writer, vegan canine nutritionist, and animal welfare advocate. She recently founded She Goes Vegan to empower women toward ending all forms of animal cruelty via purposeful action and a compassionate vegan lifestyle.