Adding Years to Your Life With ‘Ageless Vegan’

Wondering about the secret to a long and vibrant life? Bestselling author and food activist Tracye McQuirter and her mom, Mary, have the answer. (Hint: Dark leafy greens are a must.) The mother-daughter duo have both been vegan for 30 years, and now, at 81 and 51 years old, respectively, they’re living proof that eating wholesome plant-based foods can help you ward off chronic diseases, stay active as you grow older, and thrive at any age. Luckily for us, they’re sharing their wisdom in their new book, Ageless Vegan: The Secret to Living a Long and Healthy Plant-Based Life.

No matter where you’re at on your own vegan journey, Ageless Vegan is sure to inspire a renewed commitment to healthy eating. Tracye and Mary discuss their transitions from meat-eating to going vegan; share a 14-step action plan to ease you into a plant-based lifestyle (or up your game if you’re already vegan); provide tips on creating a vegan kitchen, staying on budget, finding a support system; and more.

Their “Fab Five Food Rules” lay a solid foundation, and if you follow most of these rules most of the time, you’ll be well on your way to more radiant health. They include choosing whole plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds—rather than heavily processed ones, eating dark leafy greens at least twice a day, and including at least two or three brightly colored foods at each meal. As Tracye says, “health is in the hue”—the darker or brighter a plant is, the more health-promoting phytochemicals it contains.

Ageless Vegan also features 100 recipes centered on fresh, easy-to-find ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen—including some everyday “superfoods,” such as blueberries, broccoli, celery, spinach, sweet potatoes, and turmeric, that will help boost your brain power, strengthen bones, maintain vision, and more. Mary’s Daily Green Smoothie, Thai Coconut Curry Soup, Citrusy Dandelion Greens Salad, Peach BBQ Tempeh, Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Bowl with Lime Cilantro Vinaigrette, and Fudge Walnut Brownies are just a few of the recipes on my must-try list.

“[T]he longer I’ve been vegan, the more I understand that being vegan is a path, a practice—not a destination,” says Tracye. “It has served as an affirming foundation and template for me to live my life to the fullest.”

If you’re ready to start your journey, pick up a copy of this engaging and empowering book today!