5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA had previously filed two First Amendment lawsuits challenging Texas A&M University’s deletion of social media users’ comments about its canine muscular dystrophy experiments—and now, in a groundbreaking ruling, a district court has denied the school’s attempt to dismiss a third suit. So we’re going full steam ahead, challenging a Texas A&M vice president’s refusal to allow us to run ads on the school’s buses.
  2. Top-notch PETA scientists are again attending the world’s largest toxicology conference—and thanks to a virtual format, they’re able to promote superior non-animal testing methods to a wider audience of regulators, corporations, and researchers than ever before!
  3. PETA protesters gathered near National Institutes of Health (NIH) offices to screen graphic footage from government laboratories, urging them to stop Elisabeth Murray’s cruel and deadly monkey fright experiments.
  4. A former U.S. Marine and staffer in PETA’s Laboratory Investigations Department is joining veterans in calling on the Pentagon to stop sitting on its hands and demand an end to the archaic mutilation of animals for Cobra Gold survival training.
  5. We’re demanding that state and federal authorities audit the University of Rhode Island after it apparently wasted public resources by conducting pointless experiments that never should have been done in the first place and then euthanizing animals the school deemed “non-essential” as part of its response to COVID-19.