5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA scientists are encouraging the Biden administration to take steps toward ending animal tests—and stand ready to help the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other regulators move into an exciting new era of humane and effective research.
  2. Exciting news from India! The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission has incorporated PETA India’s recommendations and proposed a significant reduction in animal use for drug production.
  3. PETA is dragging the hideous experiments hidden by the notoriously cruel and incompetent Washington National Primate Research Center into the daylight and demanding better for monkeys, students, taxpayers, Seattle, and science.
  4. Meanwhile, the horror show just a few hours south at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has claimed another victim, a marmoset who had to be euthanized after being used in incompetently performed experimental brain surgery and then deprived of veterinary care for days. In response to these latest federal violations, PETA’s urging the government to cut off its gravy train of grant dollars to OHSU immediately.
  5. PETA U.K.’s science policy adviser, Dr. Julia Baines, is quoted in terrific exclusive coverage of the group’s call for Scotland’s University of Edinburgh to join the tidal wave of institutions banning the cruel and bogus forced swim test.