5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA pressure pays off again! Another dog—a young, healthy German shorthaired pointer named Kenickie—has been released from Texas A&M University’s horrific canine muscular dystrophy laboratory and adopted by a loving family! But there are still 24 dogs imprisoned at the school, and that’s why our “golden retriever” led a socially distanced demonstration for their freedom outside a recent university board meeting.
  2. A PETA “rat” scampered to Eli Lilly’s Indianapolis headquarters on Wednesday, flooding the pharmaceutical company with over 120,000 petitions demanding that it ban the cruel and futile forced swim test.
  3. In case you missed it, PETA supporters in Seattle unfurled a giant banner during rush hour last week, demanding that the University of Washington shut down the Washington National Primate Research Center—and our new webpage is providing updates on our campaign against the hideous, dungeon-like facility.
  4. Doctors, primatologists, and animal behaviorists are agreeing with PETA that the intensive confinement, traumatic separation, and abject despair that monkeys endure at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center is both ethically inexcusable and scientifically indefensible.
  5. Our attention-grabbing ads, phone calls, protests, and videos featuring celebrity supporters are helping animals in laboratories. Take a peek, and share them with others!