5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. We won part one! After prevailing in a precedent-setting open records lawsuit against Oregon Health & Science University, PETA has released eye-opening video footage exposing awful, indefensible experiments in which pregnant monkeys were fed “junk food” and their infants were then torn away, locked inside cages, and deliberately threatened by human “intruders.”
  2. Fighting for these dogs! Despite PETA’s victory in a groundbreaking free speech lawsuit against Texas A&M University, the school apparently hasn’t learned its lesson. We’re now suing it a second time for attempting to censor the compassionate people who want to see an end to vile canine muscular dystrophy experiments. Given our persistence, the university will eventually get tired of this and let the dogs go.
  3. PETA U.K. is reminding medical charities that in a time of economic uncertainty, they can achieve far more with less funding if they prioritize innovative and animal-friendly test methods.
  4. PETA Asia is inspiring consumers to oppose animal tests and shop cruelty-free through a giant new video billboard in Hong Kong that plays PETA’s Pixar-style commercial, which notes, “Animals experimenting are cute. Experimenting on animals isn’t.”
  5. Banned! Colombia has become the first Latin American country to ban animal tests for cosmetics, joining dozens of other nations that have made the same savvy move and positioning the country as a new leader for both animal rights and sound science. There are some loopholes, though, so PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies list is still essential for consumers.