5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Huge win for animals! After two years of pressure from PETA, Taiwan is removing requirements from a draft regulation for food and beverage companies to subject animals to near-drowning and electrified treadmill tests for making anti-fatigue marketing claims. We’ll keep going until it bans animal tests for all other dubious health claims.
  2. Thanks to a member’s generosity, in celebration of International Owl Awareness Day (August 4), PETA’s running a weeks-long ad blitz in Baltimore to open the public’s eyes to the suffering that barn owls endure in gruesome brain-mutilation and sensory-bombardment experiments at Johns Hopkins University. We’ve already generated coverage in The Baltimore Sun and the Baltimore Business Journal.
  3. We’re keeping Eli Lilly in hot water over its refusal to join its competitors by banning the forced swim test. On August 6, PETA supporters unfurled an unmissable banner reading, “Eli Lilly: Not Nice to Mice,” from a busy I-70 overpass near the Big Pharma company’s Indianapolis headquarters.
  4. Shirley McGreal, OBE—founder of the International Primate Protection League—is the latest esteemed expert to join us in condemning the terrifying, deadly, and utterly worthless experiments that monkeys endure at the hands of National Institutes of Health career experimenter Elisabeth Murray.
  5. PETA Latino’s anti-vivisection campaign is going viral on social media—garnering 1.4 million video views in recent weeks, leading many users to react with anger to footage revealing the imprisonment and mutilation of mice at the National Institutes of Health–backed Cleveland Clinic and inspiring thousands to voice their opposition to hideous animal experiments.