5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

PETA is leading the global movement to end experiments on animals. Through vigorous campaigns, sponsorship and promotion of non-animal testing methods, and collaborations with companies and regulatory agencies, we’re chipping away at the number of experiments conducted and stopping some of the most egregious cruelty that individual animals endure in laboratories.

  1. Terrific news! After hearing from PETA India, a medical college in the state of Haryana has agreed to end crude and cruel tests on animals, including rabbits who were apparently held in miserable, waste-strewn cages and denied food for several days at a time.
  2. We have challenged the Washington National Primate Research Center to provide the public with crucial documentation proving that no staff members or other primates at the facility have been exposed to COVID-19.
  3. PETA has obtained reports revealing that Johns Hopkins University has locked monkeys inside cramped cages, causing them severe stress and leaving them with untreated medical conditions, and we’re targeting the school with an online action alert to make the cruelty stop.
  4. PETA U.K. scientists are providing companies and government agencies with input that will help reduce and replace the abuse of rabbits in pointless, deadly tests for chemicals and household products.
  5. PETA’s campaigns against animal-tested cosmetics have even led China to embrace non-animal methods, and we’re now encouraging socially conscious consumers to support cruelty-free small businesses while shopping online for personal-care products and other items.