5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA’s sounding the alarm about the risk of developing COVID-19 posed to monkeys imprisoned in cramped quarters at Seattle’s Washington National Primate Research Center. We’re urging the notoriously cruel facility to come clean about employees’ and primates’ exposure to the virus and asking it to suspend all experiments.
  2. PETA U.K. is highlighting some of the exciting human-relevant, animal-free testing methods and technology that researchers are using to advance our understanding of COVID-19.
  3. After PETA’s determined campaign led Texas A&M University to stop breeding dogs to suffer in canine muscular dystrophy experiments, a young golden retriever named Cannoli was listed for adoption—but he’s now been transferred to another laboratory for further torment. Join us in demanding that the school release him and other suffering dogs so that they can receive the care and affection they deserve.
  4. We’re calling on curriculum company Project Lead the Way to oppose archaic animal dissection and keep body parts out of classrooms.
  5. TeachKind has rounded up more digital-dissection activities and resources for parents educating their kids at home during the pandemic.