5 Ways PETA is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

Learn how PETA is promoting high-tech research methods to replace frogs, horses, and other suffering animals.

1. PETA has promoted virtual dissection for years, but some teachers still request “hands-on” teaching tools—and that’s where the   SynFrog comes in. This PETA-proposed and -funded simulator is safer, more effective, and more humane than cutting up dead animals—a practice now destined for the trash bin of archaic education methods.


Syndaver Synthetic Frog – SynFrog Dissection Live!

Posted by SynDaver Labs on Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2. Great news for horses, mules, and donkeys in India! After years of PETA India’s campaigns against the abuse of equines for the production of antitoxins, the High Court of Delhi has set deadlines for the Animal Welfare Board of India and drug companies to   submit responses to the organization’s petition for making the transition to non-animal production methods of these drugs and   animals.

3. PETA’s thought-provoking, censor-evading ad in which a teddy bear stands in for live animals in laboratories nabbed a prestigious  Shorty Social Good Award for Best Public Service Announcement.

4. After uncovering tremendous suffering and horrific animal welfare violations at Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine, PETA’s   calling for the removal of the school’s attending veterinarian and other changes to stem the tide of misery.

5. Dressed as rats and confined to barren metal cages, PETA Asia supporters in Kuala Lumpur reminded MSG manufacturer and frozen-food giant Ajinomoto Co., Inc., that experimenting on animals is as cruel as it is worthless.