5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Terrific progress: Following recommendations by PETA India scientists, the Indian government has approved new guidelines that will reduce the number of animals being poisoned and killed in unreliable biopesticide testing.
  2. After PETA’s repeated warnings about the dangers of xenotransplantation, the human patient who received a heart taken from a pig has died—and an animal-borne illness was apparently a factor. Learn how PETA experts are urging doctors to leave animals alone and embrace reliable, animal-free approaches to resolving the organ shortage.
  3. The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a damning new report calling out the U.S. Department of Defense’s mutilation of animals in trauma training drills—and we’re demanding that the military switch immediately to more effective and ethical, animal-free training methods.
  4. PETA supporters are caging themselves alongside realistic-looking stuffed monkeys at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst’s graduation ceremony this week, calling attention to the school’s cruel, invasive menopause experiments on marmosets.
  5. PETA has obtained thousands of pages of necropsy reports and other documents revealing incompetence, indifference, and cruelty at the Washington National Primate Research Center, and we’re renewing our call for this nightmarish laboratory to be shut down.