5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. After obtaining records revealing that three rhesus macaques were denied their minimum weekly water intake, that a mouse burst into flames, and other horrors, PETA is calling on the National Institutes of Health to implement a zero-tolerance policy for experimenters who deviate from approved protocols and laboratory workers who deny animals basic necessities.
  2. We’re asking Seattle police to investigate the University of Washington for apparently destroying videos and photographs of monkeys used in experiments, which was uncovered in our lawsuit against the school, rather than making them available under state public records law.
  3. Emmy Award winner, Babe star, and PETA pal James Cromwell has joined us in urging the University of Tennessee to stop mutilating pigs in medical training drills.
  4. PETA supporters crashed a University of Massachusetts–Amherst alumni gathering in Palm Beach, Florida, to confront the school’s president and demand an end to horrific menopause experiments on marmosets.
  5. Our thought-provoking “Without Consent” exhibit has landed at Tulane University, challenging the school—and the affiliated Tulane National Primate Research Center—for subjecting individuals to invasive experiments.