5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

Discover how PETA is exposing cruelty and holding experimenters accountable:

  1. PETA is urging Peter P. Nghiem—who’s being groomed to take over Texas A&M University’s muscular dystrophy laboratory when Joe Kornegay retires next year—to stop tormenting dogs in crude, painful experiments.Jelly
    ILAR Journal | Oxford Academic
  2. We’re highlighting the complex, fascinating lives of marmosets and rallying supporters to end the suffering they face in laboratories.
  3. PETA is dialing up the pressure on Johns Hopkins University to stop experimenter Shreesh Mysore from mutilating owls and dehydrating mice in awful tests.John Hopkins Mouse Experiments
  4. Experimenter Tania Roth has attempted to defend her senseless “child abuse” experiments on rats, but PETA is debunking her cruelty.
  5. Julia Baines of PETA U.K. was quoted in news articles, reminding folks that animals aren’t organ factories and that experimenting on them is a waste of funds, time, and lives.