5 Things You Can Do to Help Animals in Laboratories This Week!

1. Great news! After talks with PETA, Sabra hummus co-owner Strauss Group and Ingredion, one of Coca-Cola’s biggest corn syrup suppliers, are kicking animal tests to the curb.

2. It’s been 25 years since a PETA campaign effectively ended the U.S. automotive industry’s deadly animal crash tests, and now we’re determined to stop similarly cruel and pointless tests in China.

3. We’ve sent a cease and desist letter demanding that Colorado State University stop censoring free speech by removing social media posts and comments that call out its cruel experiments on crows and other birds.

4. Through our eye-opening television ad and a rousing speech by PETA Research Associate Dr. Katherine Roe, we’re taking on the Yale University experimenters who’ve tormented animals in all manner of crude and cruel tests—and racked up a laundry list of animal welfare violations along the way.

5. National Institute of Mental Health Director Joshua Gordon is waffling on animal experiments yet again, so PETA is reminding him that he must embrace cutting-edge, cruelty-free research if he wants to help human patients.