5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA’s immersive “Without Consent” exhibit, which explores 100 years of suffering inflicted on nonconsenting sentient beings, made its first stop last week near Amherst College and the University of Massachusetts–Amherst—inspiring hundreds to sign our petitions and take other actions to oppose frightful experiments on animals.
  2. We’ve obtained public records documenting more violations, negligence, and incompetence in laboratories at the University of Washington (UW)—which houses the federally funded Washington National Primate Research Center (WaNPRC). After the WaNPRC tried to gloss over its abuse by posting fairy-tale answers to frequently asked questions, we’re making sure that the public isn’t fooled. Television icon Edie Falco has joined us in calling on UW to end cruelty on campus!
  3. We’re taking three U.S. agencies to court for repeatedly failing to respond to our Freedom of Information Act requests and release documents related to the government’s experiments on animals—which fail not only mice and monkeys but also humans.
  4. PETA supporters caged themselves alongside realistic-looking stuffed dogs during Texas A&M University’s veterinary graduation ceremony to demand an end to the school’s canine muscular dystrophy experiments and the release of 20 surviving dogs.
  5. Anti-experiment campaign coordinator Kati Bertrand penned a powerful op-ed breaking down why animal advocates needn’t avoid COVID-19 vaccines, which became available to humans more quickly, in part, by bypassing lengthy and wasteful animal trials.