5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Following years of campaigning and scientific investments by PETA—and our work to expose companies that have secretly paid for animal tests to market their products abroad—China has announced that it’ll allow imported general cosmetics to be sold there without mandatory animal tests!
  2. To mark the eighth anniversary of the European Union’s ban on animal testing for cosmetics, PETA U.K. has rebooted a series of stunning celebrity ads to expose how regulatory agencies are shamefully failing to prevent animals from suffering for beauty products.
  3. PETA Germany biologist Anne Meinert offers insights about the way modern dentistry needs to shift away from animal tests and embrace superior human-relevant methods.
  4. We asked the National Institutes of Health for public records documenting violations of federal animal welfare guidelines in laboratories at the University of Washington—and uncovered dozens of incidents in which animals suffered and died because of workers’ negligence or experimenters’ incompetence.
  5. PETA demonstrators caged themselves at Johns Hopkins University, illustrating the imprisonment and torment that these sensitive birds endure in experimenter Shreesh Mysore’s twisted attention deficit disorder tests.