5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA has thanked U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for inspiring experimenters to describe their own ridiculous tests in 10 words or fewer—and amid an outpouring of uncharacteristic candor from these tormentors, we’re urging government agencies and the public to recognize that the future of research lies in cutting-edge, cruelty-free test methods.
  2. A golden retriever named Karbach is the latest dog to be freed from Texas A&M University’s canine muscular dystrophy laboratory and adopted! We’re keeping the pressure on, demanding that the school stop warehousing dogs and wasting funds on such vile, futile experiments.
  3. PETA supporters and a human-size “golden retriever” also targeted Texas A&M by posting “LOST DOG” flyers across campus and holding a spirited, socially distanced protest during a recent board meeting.
  4. We’ve uprooted government experimenter Elisabeth Murray’s twisted academic genealogy, reminding taxpayers that when it comes to animal abuse in laboratories, the apple doesn’t fall far from the “neurotree.” And after revealing who taught Murray to mutilate and torment monkeys, we’re ramping up the call for her hideous fright experiments to be shut down.
  5. PETA’s slamming the cruel brain experiments conducted by Elon Musk’s company Neuralink and busting the entrepreneur’s absurd claim that a monkey strapped to a chair with a metal implant in the skull could be “totally happy.”