5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. We’ve released a new compilation of video footage exposing misery and waste at four federally funded national primate research centers, showing—again—that monkeys in cramped, lonely confinement are enduring severe distress and even harming themselves from apparent frustration and despair. These centers have racked up hundreds of violations of animal protection laws, but in nearly six decades of experiments on monkeys, they haven’t yielded a single marketable vaccine or cure for deadly human diseases.
  2. PETA has also launched an action alert calling on the University of Washington’s Board of Regents to push for the closure of the shameful Washington National Primate Research Center—whose incompetence, animal deaths, and multiple monkey escapes PETA has exposed. Meanwhile, protesters in monkey masks and restraint collars “caged” themselves on campus on January 14 to ramp up the pressure.
  3. With COVID-19 vaccines in the headlines, PETA is reminding regulatory agencies that it’s not too late to save even more lives by replacing ineffective, animal-intensive drug-development processes with modern, human-relevant methods—and PETA U.K. is encouraging compassionate folks to keep animals in mind while taking steps to safeguard their health. (Learn more about getting ethical scientists to end cruel animal testing in 2021 by tuning into The PETA Podcast!)
  4. A powerful new series of PETA videos illustrates the grief and frustration that families face as they grapple with debilitating diseases and points out exactly why government agencies must stop squandering precious time and funding on archaic animal tests.
  5. PETA U.K. scientist Samantha Saunders breaks down myths about animal toxicity tests and offers insight into far superior methods of assessing chemicals’ impact on the environment—which can better protect the planet and all its inhabitants.