5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA has filed suit against the University of Washington after it failed to turn over records and video related to its troubled Washington National Primate Research Center. We’re demanding that the school be transparent about the suffering, deaths, and cruelty that it perpetuates on the taxpayers’ dime.
  2. Major progress against vile cosmetics tests on animals! Following recommendations from PETA India and evidence submitted to the government that some companies selling products in China (where animal tests are mandated) were also selling in India, authorities have updated the nation’s regulations so that they now include provisions to ensure that the ban on the importation of animal-tested cosmetics is stringently enforced.
  3. After releasing a video exposing the National Institute of Mental Health’s history of horrifying abuse of monkeys, we’re calling on Washington University in St. Louis to cancel a webinar by government experimenter Elisabeth Murray—whose invasive, archaic fright tests on monkeys have contributed nothing to our understanding of human mental illness (although they did land her a spot on PETA’s list of 2020’s cruelest experimenters).
  4. We’ve obtained video footage from federal inspections revealing the disgusting and miserable conditions that animals endure at breeding facilities long before they wind up imprisoned, poisoned, or mutilated in laboratories. PETA is now calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to do its job and protect animals by revoking the licenses of facilities that fail to comply with even bare-minimum welfare requirements.
  5. Last year was unprecedented for everyone, and PETA scientists did all they could to ensure that those who still experiment on animals were among the most challenged. Take a peek at 20 ways in which we modernized science and stopped deadly animal tests in 2020!