5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Great news! Following PETA’s recommendation, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has updated a regulation ending the requirement for animal tests—preventing countless individuals from being subjected to deadly toxicity tests and slashing Taiwan’s projected use of animals in any food-safety experiments.
  2. A PETA France supporter with muscular dystrophy is sharing her story in a powerful new video in which she joins us in demanding that health charities and other institutions abandon cruel muscular dystrophy tests on dogs.
  3. PETA veterinarian Dr. Ingrid Taylor’s powerful op-ed calls out Virginia Tech for purchasing dogs from hideous breeding mill Envigo for use in “training” and experiments and breaks down why government officials must better oversee facilities like this one to ensure that animals’ basic needs are being met.
  4. As school semesters draw to a close, we’ve launched a Baltimore ad blitz showing residents and taxpayers that there’s nothing merry about the Johns Hopkins University laboratory in which barn owls are being brain-damaged in deadly experiments.
  5. We’re urging our supporters to contact fruit and vegetable farmers’ boards (which are overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture) to demand that they stop commissioning cruel animal tests.