5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. We’ve released first-ever video footage showing the miserable living conditions that monkeys endure within the walls of the federally funded Washington National Primate Research Center for dubious and painful experiments for the University of Washington (UW). The school is being investigated for a rash of recent monkey escapes and has been repeatedly cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act. To build pressure on UW to close the center, PETA supporters in Seattle unfurled a gigantic banner from busy overpasses.
  2. The dogs released so far from Texas A&M University as a result of PETA’s campaign are just a few of the many wonderful individuals who’ve escaped neglect and torment at experimenters’ hands, thanks to the determination of our supporters. Meet a trio of rat sisters, dozens of beagles, and others we’ve helped!
  3. PETA has reviewed National Institutes of Health employees’ salaries—and our exclusive findings reveal that experimenters and agency officials have reached the top of the nation’s income pyramid by using your tax dollars to torment animals.
  4. Insiders have told us that AirBridgeCargo has apparently resumed its vile practice of transporting monkeys who will be used in laboratory experiments, so we’re rallying thousands of supporters once again to demand an end to the airline’s lies and cruelty.
  5. Pfizer has announced that clinical data show its COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective at preventing infection—proving that reliable vaccines can be developed without waiting for years-long crude and cruel animal trials (as PETA scientists have, of course, been saying for years!). While Pfizer did test on animals, as required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, it has shown that animal tests aren’t necessary, and we’re pressing the agency to modernize its process so that animals can be spared and humans can have better vaccines faster.