5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA supporters grabbed headlines when they rushed the field during a widely watched Texas A&M University football game while holding signs condemning the school’s infamously cruel canine muscular dystrophy experiments.
  2. PETA launched a powerful speciesism-dismantling exhibit on Capitol Hill, which tells the chilling stories of real animals subjected to decades of experiments and challenges government agencies to rethink costly, archaic animal experiments performed on marginalized individuals without their consent. The exhibit’s launch included a candlelight vigil and a moment of silence for the 100 million animals killed in American laboratories each year.
  3. Harry Potter star Evanna Lynch wrote on our behalf to the president of Johns Hopkins University, demanding that he end excruciating brain experiments on majestic barn owls. Meanwhile, our supporters gathered in front of the home of the school’s dean of medicine, slamming him for allowing admittedly worthless and apparently illegal experiments to be conducted on his watch.
  4. We’re bringing the deadly doings of animal experimenters into sharp focus with a new blog post about monkey tormenter Ned Kalin and a “crime scene”–style video about the animal experimentation industry’s “most wanted” individuals. That spooky video racked up more than 300,000 views in under a week—and now, the public won’t forget the faces lurking in animals’ worst nightmares.
  5. You can always count on PETA’s thought-provoking games to shift perspectives about animals, which is why we supported a terrific teenage activist who developed Monkey Fright, a video game in which players try to help monkeys escape from Elisabeth Murray’s federally funded fear factory.