5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA has obtained evidence revealing that infamous Johns Hopkins University owl experimenter Shreesh Mysore has apparently violated state law and admitted that his traumatic test methods may be misleading—yet he’s still raking in funds. Learn why we’ve filed formal complaints urging authorities to get their heads on straight and end the owl torture.
  2. PETA’s challenging Virginia Tech to stop buying beagles from a notorious breeding mill owned by animal-testing giant Envigo—or, better yet, to end forever the vile experiments in which dogs are cut into, wounded, nearly bled to death, and otherwise abused. We’ve already seen lots of eye-opening coverage in many local outlets after we exposed the university’s ties to Envigo, and the company knows that we won’t relent until it does right by dogs.
  3. We released a powerful new video featuring statements from medical experts who’ve joined us in slamming government-funded terror tests on monkeys and who share our determination to stop this appalling psychological torture.
  4. PETA scientists are pointing out the cruelty and needlessness of plans to kill sharks and extract squalene from their livers for COVID-19 vaccine production—all despite the existence of superior human-relevant research and manufacturing methods.
  5. October is “Cut Out Dissection” Month, but PETA’s work against archaic animal dissection goes on strong all year long. Check out our latest eye-catching PETA Kids comic strip for a peek at our efforts to empower young people to demand modern, animal-friendly teaching tools.