5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Our informative new website feature breaks down what exactly vivisection is and discusses PETA’s 40 years of success at stopping it. Please share this piece!
  2. PETA Senior Science Adviser Dr. Frances Cheng—one of the voices in the thought-provoking must-see documentary Test Subjects—discusses the “aha” moment that inspired her to turn away from abusive animal experiments in this wonderful interview.
  3. As some lockdown measures begin to ease, PETA U.K. is urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson to seize this watershed moment in history by embracing the Research Modernization Deal and pushing all vaccines straight to human trials. The organization’s request led to terrific exclusive coverage in the British journal The Ecologist.
  4. PETA India is demanding a reversal of the shameful decision that allowed 30 rhesus monkeys to be torn away from their families and natural homes so that they can be tormented in worthless COVID-19 vaccine experiments—despite Indian regulations requiring the use of superior, human-relevant, animal-free research methods whenever possible. PETA India Science Policy Adviser Dr. Dipti Kapoor was quoted in coverage from Business Insider India and other outlets. Stay tuned.
  5. PETA supporters crashed Louisiana State University’s graduation “watch party” on Facebook, posting comments about the atrocities of animal tests and demanding that the school end Christine Lattin’s cruel stress experiments on wild-caught sparrows.