Changing Lives, One Dog at a Time

Bailey, Max, and Little Man were in trouble. With temperatures plunging into the 20s, none of these dogs—kept chained outdoors 24/7 on properties in North Carolina—had adequate shelter to help them survive the bone-chilling conditions.

Bailey’s drafty plastic doghouse had been partially chewed, leaving sharp, jagged edges. Max’s ramshackle wooden structure had a gaping opening that let the cold air in, and Little Man (seen above) had only a plastic barrel that was more like a wind tunnel than a shelter

But then PETA’s fieldworkers came to the rescue. They helped change these dogs’ lives by giving each of them a sturdy, custom-built PETA doghouse to provide protection from the elements.

Bailey, Max, and Little Man are just three of the hundreds of dogs who benefitted from our doghouse program last year.

The transformation when dogs get their new houses is often immediate and dramatic: Many go right inside and curl up, grateful finally to have a soft, dry place to lie down. Others jump for joy, wagging their tails and barking in excitement.

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Doghouses, insulating straw, lightweight tie-outs, and other supplies make a world of difference for dogs who are forced to weather the winter (as well as the spring, summer, and fall) outdoors. But they don’t come cheap: It costs about $265 to build and deliver just one PETA doghouse.

PETA relies on the generosity of donors to keep saving lives through our doghouse program. Will you help provide a lonely, cold dog with desperately needed shelter?

I’m in!