5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

Discover how PETA is exposing cruelty and holding experimenters accountable:

  1. Two more victories for animals—pharmaceutical giants AstraZeneca and Novo Nordisk A/S have agreed not to use the forced swim test!
  2. After being sued by PETA, Texas A&M University has turned over public records about the dogs intentionally bred to have canine muscular dystrophy and tormented for years in experiments.
  3. PETA exposed the University of Missouri’s cruel “weight training” experiments on rats and put experimenters in the hot seat.


    University of Missouri-Columbia experimenters cut incisions into rats’ heads, removed parts of their skulls, and injected an inflammatory compound into their brains using a device like this.

  4. As University of Delaware experimenter Tania Roth’s treatment of mother and infant rats grows ever more callous, PETA is calling for the notorious experimenter to submit to a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.
  5. PETA supporters gathered at Colorado State University’s convocation last week to urge incoming students to join us in demanding an end to vile West Nile virus experiments on birds.