Dogs Need Us—We Must Not Look Away

by Christina Sewell, PETA’s Manager of Fashion Campaigns

When I was growing up in South Korea, my family often visited my grandfather’s grave in the countryside. While I loved spending time together and caring for his resting place, I’m still haunted by the caged dogs we encountered along the way.

I heard their desperate barks and whimpers when we made eye contact, and I begged my mom to talk to their owners and persuade them to release the dogs. She always told me to look away and keep moving.

Today, I know the terrors that awaited many of those miserable, frightened dogs, such as being bludgeoned and skinned for leather—and I know that many others like them are currently suffering in cages, slated to endure the same fate. But many consumers don’t realize that their leather accessories might be made from dogs’ skin.

Adopting my companion pup, Harlow, was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I know that every dog should receive the same love and affection that my family gives her—just like every animal deserves to have a life free from cruelty, fear, and abuse. We can’t look away from their suffering—we need to work to end it.

That’s why, as PETA’s manager of fashion campaigns, I collaborate with designers, fashion writers, and kind people just like you to push the clothing industry toward a kinder animal-free future.

As someone on the frontlines, I can tell you that PETA’s campaigns are making a huge difference for animals. More than 345 brands around the globe—including Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Gap Inc., H&M, and Zara—have banned mohair after a PETA exposé revealed the misery of angora goats who are bred for their hair. And our list of “PETA-Approved Vegan” fashion brands is over 1,000 companies strong and more popular than ever—helping us spread the word about cruelty-free, sustainable materials (such as mushroom leather and pineapple leather) that no dog, cow, or other animal suffered for.

If you believe—as I do—that dogs deserve better, will you make a gift today to help animals abused and killed for clothing? We’re in the middle of PETA’s “Save Our Skins” Matching-Gift Challenge, so your donation will be matched and have twice the impact!

I hope you’ll consider pitching in during this matching-gift campaign to boost our exciting work to promote vegan fashion.