A PETA Friend in Need Is a Friend, Indeed

Over the years, PETA friend and founder of The Cow Sanctuary, Helga Tacreiter, has helped dozens of animals heal from abuse and neglect. Now, she needs a little help from her friends in order to continue caring for the cows, emus, horses, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, and other animals who call her sanctuary home.

Helga is raising money to buy a desperately needed tractor, which will be used to move thousand-pound bales of hay and remove manure from barns. Right now, she must carry 50-pound hay bales to the animals by hand, which is terribly tiring and time-consuming, and she must pay someone with a tractor to clean out the barns, which is a strain on the sanctuary’s limited funds.

Visit Helga’s GoFundMe page.

A tractor will help Helga care for animals such as the eight sows who had spent their lives locked inside cramped gestation and farrowing crates and were used in a college “swine production” class before being saved from slaughter by a kind student; Emmie, a cow whose face was set on fire during branding and who was spayed without painkillers and is now best friends with another resident cow, named Beatrice; and Jerry, a crippled calf who was rescued during PETA’s investigation of a dairy farm.

All these animals got the chance to enjoy the good life on The Cow Sanctuary’s 77 acres, thanks to Helga’s big heart and steadfast devotion. Will you help Helga help animals? Please visit her GoFundMe page to make a generous donation today.