American Cancer Society Takes Strongest Stance Against Meat Yet

After decades of studies, mountains of scientific data, and countless campaigns by PETA pointing out the deadly consequences of the nation’s meat habit for all animals, the American Cancer Society (ACS) finally seems to be getting the message.

Earlier this week, the best-known cancer charity in the U.S. released new guidelines taking a stronger stance against eating meat than ever before!

Among other things, the ACS is now urging people to stop eating red and processed meat—or at least to eat significantly less meat—in order to reduce their risk of developing cancer. On the organization’s new cancer risk scale, eating meat falls just below smoking and being obese—but the risks that consumers face from eating meat, cheese, and other fatty animal-based foods are no less deadly.

Study after study has shown that consuming bacon, sausage, ham, hot dogs, or other processed meats—or red meat, including beef, pork, veal, lamb, goat, and mutton—can raise one’s risk of developing cancer, especially colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. According to the ACS, a person’s “relative risk of colorectal cancer increases by 22% with each additional daily serving of red meat, and 23% with each additional daily serving of processed meat.” Now imagine the risk for those who still eat meat at every meal. A sausage biscuit for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch, and steak for dinner could leave someone with a two-thirds greater chance of developing a serious form of cancer than their vegan friends!

For most of us, this isn’t exactly news. The World Health Organization announced that red and processed meats are carcinogenic way back in 2015, and many other health organizations, including the ACS, have cautioned people against eating meat in the past. Nonetheless, it’s encouraging that the ACS has taken a stronger stand against meat now, with new guidelines that advise people to eat a variety of vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains rather than red and processed meats and other unhealthy foods.

Eating wholesome vegan foods will help ward off not only cancer but also heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. If you need help with incorporating more heathy vegan foods into your meals, simply search PETA’s vegan recipe page or order a free vegan starter kit.